We make staff members smarter so they can sell more products while helping the employer and the staff, make more money. No set up, start tomorrow.

Our universal micro-learning platform allows members to learn more by listening to artificial intelligence avatars. Our intellectual data is sourced from experienced restaurateurs.

Use your employee's phones to help them learn

  • Embrace them

    Instead of banning the phones, use them as a training tool. Allows staff to review and re-inforce topics

  • Generate revenue

    Increasing staff sales and tips on a daily basis.

  • Individual learning

    Allows each staff member to learn on their own devise, and educate themselves.

  • Create incentives

    Training cost too much. By training them via Lineupp, you are reinforcing you care about their success.

Welcome to Lineupp

Coming soon

The Lineupp mobile app

Here's how it works:

All you have to do is download the app from Apple App Store (for iOS devices) or Google Play Store (for Android devices).  Download your course here 

After downloading and installing the app, you can access the daily training tools, and enjoy fast, easy, on-the-go access to get you trained better, sll more products, and make more money!

Some of the features of the Mobile App include:

  • Easy navigation
  • Course overview and core lesson types
  • Lesson completion and progress tracking
  • Your courses you are working on stay at the top
  • In-app notifications for upcoming new tools

It's easy.  Select the link below and download the app.  Search for the app name called LINEUPP and the download will begin and you can start your LINEUPP training.

We are the first artificial intelligence avartar training system training servers and bartenders to sell more food and beverage, (from current guests) and increase their check average faster and easier.


  • Daily micro-learning

    Discover new topics, learn online, and easy to absorb. Life learning educational topics

  • Easy to use

    Accommodates all learning styles while providing education in food, beverage, and service

  • No set up - Start tomorrow

    Helps management reinforce suggestive selling techniques for service staff


  • Consistent message

    With the use of watching, learning, listening and reading, we make it easy.

  • Creates long term learning

    We use individual training technology leaving a consistent message.

  • Increase of knowledge

    Video engages 75% more than reading. We capitalize on video technology.

Our universal system provides daily training reinforcements through our avatars, and licensed artificial intelligence videos.

Wineries - Get your product involved

Would you like to have your product in front of the staff members who sell your product?  Now, you can.  We have created a learning portal to help staff members know more about the products they sell.  And it is created through Artificial Intelligence avatars.  Contact us through our contact form above.

Distribution - Here's a first

For beer, wine, water, or spirits distributors in Georgia, your salespeople can now be at more than one place at the same time.  For more information, contact us through the contact link above.  

You're twenty-four hours away from getting started

Sign up for a demo now