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Start here and learn from someone who co-founded one of the best restaurants in America.

Have you ever wanted to start a restaurant but didn't have the knowledge?  This class will show you how to do it. This is the chance to learn from a top restaurateur in Georgia who took a small amount of money and helped turn it into a $14 million dollar business. Now, he has taken his forty-years of experience and has created a system of starting a restaurant and breaks it down into an eight week course to help get you started.

The modules include continued education with:

  • Eight weeks of class
    • Live video and text
    • Quizzes
    • Real-life examples
    • Directions of how to get items done
    • Nine and a half hours of learning
    • Available 24/7, 365 days a year on any device
    • Equivalent to a what students learn during a Master's degree
    • Receive a certificate of completion

      We will guide you from the beginning to the end and show you the best road to take to open your restaurant.  We love motivating others to get their restaurant going and we know we can help you.  Wouldn't you rather be the one who said, "I'm glad I did it" rather than, "I wish I did."  Let's get that restaurant started!

Our week to week plan with you

We have the most comprehensive restaurant schooling for you and we stand by our expertise and mentoring.

Our eight week plan - Every Tuesday in April & May, 2022 at 10:00 AM EST or 2:00 PM EST

If you are not ready to open your restaurant after our course, we will mentor you until you are ready.

  • WEEK 1: Tuesday, April 5th at 10:00 AM or 2:00 PM EST via Zoom - Review business planning, financials, budgets & banking

  • WEEK 2: Tuesday, April 12 at 10:00 AM or 2:00 PM via Zoom - Review trademarks, legal info, licenses, dept of revenue

  • WEEK 3: Tuesday, April 19 at 10:00 AM or 2:00 PM via Zoom - Review Fed ID, Department of Labor, location info

  • WEEK 4: Tuesday, April 26 at 10:00 AM or 2:00 PM via Zoom - Review lease terms, human resources, website & marketing, social media & P.R.

  • WEEK 5: Tuesday, May 3rd at 10:00 AM or 2:00 PM via Zoom - Review architect, designers, and point of sale

  • WEEK 6: Tuesday, May 10th at 10:00 AM or 2:00 PM via Zoom - Review general contractor (GC), utilities & insurance

  • WEEK 7: Tuesday, May 17th at 10:00 AM or 2:00 PM via Zoom - Review medical & liability insurance, and operational expenses

  • WEEK 8: Tuesday, May 24th at 10:00 AM or 2:00 PM via Zoom - Final re-cap and review payroll, cash flow, hiring & human resources and pre-opening info

Order our best-selling book

A must-have for restaurant and would be owners

Order one for yourself and one for each manager. We guarantee this book will help save money.

Course curriculum

Stop dreaming of it and start doing it!

About this course

  • $49.50 / month with 1 day free trial
  • 17 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content