What's in this course?

  • All about payroll

    Reports, rates, hours, and more. Learn all about payroll.

  • Learn hiring procedures

    Hiring takes time and finding the right people takes more time. We break down the steps of hiring here.

  • Learn about worker's compensation

    Another key component in understanding HR and it's in the course.

  • Tax forms too!

    From payroll tax to garnishments, it is in this course.

Course curriculum

A comprehensive course in HR that will make you a well-informed leader.

    1. Before we begin

    2. Welcome from our online hostess, Rachel

    1. Are you ready to hire the staff?

    2. Hiring quiz

    3. Direct deposit form

    4. Payment with Debit Cards

    5. Congrats from Rachel

    1. What you will need

    2. W-4

    3. G-4

    1. I-9 completion link

    2. I-9 Page 3 -Required documents

    3. Required doc quiz

    4. I-9 Page 1 - Employee page

    5. I-9 Page 1 quiz

    6. I-9 Page two - Employer page

    7. I-9 Page two quiz

    1. What is it?

    2. Worker's comp quiz

    3. First report of injury

    4. Wage statements

    5. Consent to release form

    6. Worker's comp form quiz

About this course

  • $59.00
  • 40 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Let's get started!

The fastest way to learn more is through our mini-courses. Let's get you started.