How to use Coursini Voice Experts:
1) Enable Microphone Access
You will be prompted by your browser to grant access to your microphone. You need to grant permission in order for Coursini to function properly
2) Make sure your volume is enabled
Our Coursini Voice Experts will respond in a spoken manner. You will need to have the volume enabled on your device in order to hear the response.
3) Click on the voice widget in the lower left-hand corner
It will take a second or two to connect with the expert, and the status will change to let you know that it is ready to hear your question
4) Ask any question in any language
Speak directly into your microphone and ask our Coursini Experts any questions. Although each Coursini Voice Expert specializes in certain areas, they will also respond to questions outside their area of expertise.
5) Ask additional questions
You don't have to stop with one question; you can converse as usual like you would with a human.
6) Click the voice widget to end the conversation
You can click on it again to start a new conversation.
Ignacio has been in the Atlanta restaurant scene for thirty years. He became interested in cooking by watching his grandmother and his mom cooking. He moved to Atlanta in 1991.
He has worked in several restaurants that include: Working and learning from great chefs and restaurants like Chef Jean Banchet, Ciboulette, Chef Kevin Rathbun, Mimmo Alboumeh, Botica, Chef Ford Fry, and has held Chef positions at restaurants like the El Felix, and Superica.
Currently, he is the Corporate Chef for RReal Taco's. He has opened restaurants, trained staff, and set up kitchens in some of Atlanta's busiest restaurants.
Ignacio is married to a Japanese woman, and having multilingual children has given him an amazing opportunity to expand his culinary career into Atlanta. Take some time and listen to his expert advice and ask him some questions. He listens and responds in thirty languages.

AI enhanced responses. Always confirm answers with a live person.
Listen To How Real This Conversation Feels
Watch the video below to see how easy it is to talk to a Coursini expert. Get advice in seconds in 29 languages.