Management Training Options

Train on one topic or train on a mixture of them

Most managers have different backgrounds, so we can cater to you on which topics you would like to have your managers train in. Once completed with their respective course, they will receive a certificate of completion. Have them take one or all of them. Be the company with the best-trained managers in the business and sign up today. Plus, you can ask our experts questions, and we respond within an hour.

What students will learn

Each bundle is different but these are examples of what students can learn.

  • Learn about financial reports

  • Complete human resource lessons

  • Analyzing sales in several aspects

  • Marketing modules

  • Labor analysis

  • All about payroll procedures

  • Everything about opening a new restaurant

Six steps to get you started. It's simple!

Once you join, we get you started within twenty-four hours

  • Step 1 - Select the plan you want and enroll your business or self

  • Step 2 - Within one hour, we will contact you and your coupon code and a private link to your company branded page & the course page link will be emailed to you

  • Step 3 - Included in the email will be your private company coupon code word that you email to your participants

  • Step 4 - You can then email your private branded page link and the coupon code word to your participants and they can begin the courses

  • Step 5 - You will become the administrator and will be able to review participants course staus

  • Step 6 - Be sure the participants complete their courses or they will not receive a certificate

Pricing options

Offering five or all course bundles. Want a diferent one? We can mix and match for you.

Are You Ready?

Get started today and learn what others have been wanting to learn for years and be the business expert.