What you will learn

A highly desired course by those getting into any business

Have you ever wanted to get into business but didn't know what to do?  This class will show you what type of contract you will need before you get into business. This is the chance to learn from a top restaurant business executive who is an expert in this area.

The modules include continued education with:

  • Live video and text
  • Quizzes
  • Real-life examples
  • Learning about corporate management responsibilities
  • Understanding ownership percentages
  • Learn about the definitions in this contract
  • Knowledge of why this contract is needed

We guide you from the beginning to the end and show you the best road to take to learn more about this highly important contract.  We love seeing others succeed and we know you will too.  Wouldn't you rather be the one who said, "I did it" rather than, "I wish I did."  Let's get started!

Course curriculum

    1. Overview of the agreement

    2. Attorney time

    3. Members

    4. Corporate Manager

    5. Employee's

    6. Management

    7. Organization Date

    8. Capital Call

    9. Distributions

    10. Operating agreement quiz

    1. Revise when the times are good

    1. Store it in a safe place

    1. Compensation & Fees for Management

About this course

  • $9.99 / month with 3 day free trial
  • 16 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content